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When China Opened Its Economy
Format: Streaming | Download
Grade Level: 7-12+
Closed Captioned: English
How can your economic freedom overcome political obstacles?

For much of the twentieth century, China was a poor communist country. But over the past twenty-five years, 400 million people in China have escaped the dire poverty of living on less than $1 a day. Average real incomes have increased 440% in only 20 years. The city of Shanghai now stands as a dramatic symbol of the fastest-growing major economy in world history. Hundreds of thousands of people work in skyscrapers, some among the tallest in the world. Privately owned designer boutiques line the city's streets.

It would seem that communist China is using free trade to reinvent itself --but not entirely. By meeting Shi Hai and his employees at the internet gaming company Snail Games, it’s clear that they are navigating the delicate path between China's cultural traditions and their bold, new ideas. China still faces many challenges, aggravated by Xi Jinping’s reforms aimed at increasing state control over the economy and implementing selective censorship, which has led to a decline in property rights, a rise in urban unemployment, and diminished consumer confidence. As economic growth slows down, one important question remains unanswered: What impact will these restrictions have on China’s future economic growth?

What's Included in a Lesson:

Discover the comprehensive resources included in our When China Opened Its Economy lesson:

  1. Student video viewing guide (with a note-taking section and 4 thematic questions)
  2. Video Lesson
  3. Lesson activity one
  4. Online formative assessment
  5. Lesson activity two

Our carefully designed lesson components work together to create an engaging and immersive learning experience, promoting critical thinking, and academic growth. From thought-provoking preview questions and informative video lessons to interactive activities and assessments, each element supports your students' understanding of key concepts and encourages meaningful discussions. Explore the richness of our Virtual International Field Trip lessons and inspire your students to embark on an exciting educational adventure that will broaden their perspectives and ignite their curiosity.

Lesson Presentation:

Select the preferred format for your lesson plan and access the interactive content designed to enrich your teaching experience.

Lesson Resources:

Our comprehensive Lesson Resources section includes an Educator How-To-Use Guide, providing step-by-step instructions and strategies for seamless lesson implementation. Engage your students with the Student Viewing Guide, which focuses their attention on key concepts and promotes active learning during the video lesson. Extend the learning experience with Lesson Activity One and Lesson Activity Two, offering interactive exercises that reinforce understanding and encourage critical thinking. With these carefully crafted resources at your fingertips, you'll have everything you need to create a dynamic and immersive educational journey for your students.

Online Formative Assessment:

Each lesson has an 11-question formative assessment, ten multiple choice questions, and one written response that will test your students' general understanding of the video. This can be done in class with technology or issued for homework.

When China Opened Its Economy Video Quiz

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