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  • chattel - property that is not attached to land; it can be moved. Sometimes referred to as personal property
  • comparative advantage - efficiency gained when an organization or person focuses efforts on what they do best and trade with others for what they efficiently produce
  • contract - an agreement between two or more parties that when valid has the force of law. This may be written or verbal
  • cost - an amount incurred to obtain something. Alternatively, it is something given up resulting from a decision to acquire something
  • equilibrium price - the price in a market-based economy where the quantity of goods/services supplied is equal to the quantity of goods/services demanded. It is the intersection of the plotted supply and demand curves.
  • free marketplace - a market system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by consumers and producers with little to no government or centralized guidance
  • incentive - any factor, financial or non-financial, that provides a motive for a particular course of action, or counts as a reason for preferring one choice to the alternatives.
  • intellectual property - property that includes creations of a person's intellect, and includes such things as copyrights, patents, and trademarks
  • Invisible Hand - Adam Smith described this as the mechanism that governed the market without a central mastermind
  • law of demand - demand for a good or service that has an inverse relationship - the lower the price, the more likely a person will buy the good or service
  • law of supply - supply for a good or service has a direct relationship - as the price a buyer is willing to pay goes up, the seller is willing to sell more of that good or service
  • loss - a result when costs are not covered by income; the business incurs a negative profit
  • marginal - in decision-making, at the edge of choosing one outcome or another
  • marginal cost - the cost of making one more product or service
  • marginal utility - the value of satisfying a need by buying just one more product or service
  • marginal value - the value a person assigns to consuming one more good or service unit
  • market-clearing price - the intersection of the demand curve - one will buy until price exceeds value - and the demand curve - one will sell until cost exceeds price, including profit
  • marketplace - a location, physical or digital, where people exchange goods and/or services
  • opportunity cost - in decision-making, the spent time, money, and/or effort that could have been used to do or acquire something else
  • personal property - property that is not attached to land; it can be moved. Sometimes referred to as chattel
  • price - information that helps buyers prioritize how they will satisfy their needs based on the current unmet needs
  • profit - money earned above what it costs to make the good and service
  • property - something that can be owned and is generally classified as intellectual, personal, real, and/or chattel
  • real property - includes things attached to land, such as a house
  • return on investment -when you invest in something, whether it is time or money, there is an expectation that it will be worth it to you in some way
  • rule of law - assures buyers and sellers that they are legally entitled to the result of the marketplace exchange
  • title - entitles owners of property to do with as they wish
  • tradeoff - similar to opportunity cost in decision-making, the spent time, money, and/or effort that could have been used to do or acquire something else
  • Tragedy of the Commons - results when people, acting in their own self-interest, use the common property in a manner that diminishes the value to society
  • utility - what economists refer to as needs satisfaction